What if we weren’t wrong . . .

I’m spending time with a group of individuals who are asking questions. Not the demanding, investigative-type of questions. More of the shades of wonder-type questions.

I’ve been in other groups (though not for very long) that have asked questions, too. Invariably, their questions center on the mistakes of the past. “Why didn’t we see that we were so wrong?” I’ve stood by in horror as these people, acting in typical mob fashion, have castigated their predecessors — and occasionally themselves.

The constant messages ring out . . .

“We have arrived . . . We have attained a level of wisdom never before seen . . . We have been lifted from our previous stupor of ignorance . . . We are begotten of fools and ignorant people.”

But what if, in those not too distant moments when we or others believed or thought or felt differently, we weren’t wrong? What if we or our parents or previous administrations were right for the moment? What if our state of being was a result of the best we could do or think or feel at that time?

The group I’m now in asks questions that have no room for blame. Only capacity for gain. What should we be doing? Where should we be going? How is the best way to get there? Who could come with us? When should we take our next step?

The conversation that follows moves quickly. By not having to tread and retread the slick pavement of fault, we gain traction in things of importance. We move more rapidly towards making a difference.

Wait, you say. What if you or your predecessors were wrong? What then? What if you were wrong. . .

Then, I have to believe that a power greater than us will influence the current decision. I’m convinced that life is not marked by right answers, only best answers for the moment. And, if that’s true, we can stop worrying about being wrong and invest instead in doing what we hope and pray is best.

Wisdom, in the final setting, is not about being right. Wisdom is being open to what is right.


  1. So good, Joey. It seems that we should be about seeking wisdom instead of assigning blame. As our wisdom grows, there will undoubtedly be times in which we realize that we have made mistakes, wrong choices or assumptions as have others. But wisdom comes from recognizing what led us to zig when we should have zagged not blaiming someone. Such good thoughts! Thank you.

    • Ken, thanks for your kind words. I think you’re right. It’s the “zigging and zagging” that comprises life. Second-guessing those quick turns along the way has little value compared to what we learned.

  2. Sometimes the only question worth asking is Barry Manilow’s:

    “Where do we go from here?”

  3. Joey & Keith, to continue that line of thought we might also add that it is a “long & winding road.”

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