Foster Dog Revisited 10

A continuation of Foster Dog adventures in Tweetdom (Twitter) from a couple of years ago.

Understanding there will be openings, Foster Dog applies for NTSA webmaster job. How hard could it be NOT to post classified information?

President Obama humbly states others are more deserving of Nobel Prize. Foster Dog gratefully blushes in her own show of humility.

Foster Dog concerned over FaceBook privacy settings. Asks that I not use her real name or age. Unless it would bring a movie or TV deal.

Hoping to divert attention from purloined doggy treats pilfered from storage, Foster Dog digs random hole in yard. Subterfuge unsuccessful.

Foster Dog, the official dog of the Abilene High Eagles, shares philosophy: Run hard. Don’t get tackled. Drink lots of water. Win state.

Abilene High Eagles, State Champions, and the official team of Foster Dog!