10 Days and Counting – Prayers

Prayers. Prayers are offered. Prayers are given. Prayers are worded. Prayers are essential. In 10 days, we leave for Africa.

As we continue our preparations, our thoughts turn to the work that lies ahead. This prayer, penned by team member, Robyn Short, in Prayers for Peace, brings our mission into focus and into alignment with our relationship to God.

Dear God,

Each morning I awake to a new day filled with many opportunities for practicing peace.

May all my efforts and all my interactions glorify You and deepen the experience of Your love here on Earth.

May the work I contribute have a positive and lasting impression on all those who experience my efforts and contributions, and may the world be better as a result.

May my heart, mind and soul be nourished as I consciously give of my talents.

May Your love be at the very center of all my actions, and may peace ripple out from me into all the world.

I thank you and acknowledge the blessing that each and every day I am able to awake to a new day filled with opportunities for me to contribute passionately and purposefully to this world in which we are co-creators.

I am blessed.



Hear our prayers.