Letters from Home

September 8, 2017 Joey Cope 4

Letter-writing used to be big. Trips to the mailbox held great promise. Most days there was enough mail to preoccupy and distract for a little while. But letters were the best. I spent a good number of years in my youth at summer camps — Camp Blue Haven as a [read more]

Overwhelmed: The Loss of Life to Numbness

September 7, 2017 Joey Cope 2

For months . . . years . . . the one word that keeps popping up in my personal journal is “overwhelmed.” Photo Credit: Julia Freeman-Woolpert (stock.xchng) The everyday barrage of life events used to be enough to tire us and send us to our beds, eager to escape the rushing torrents. [read more]

good news

Why Do You Dream the Dreams You Dream?

July 18, 2017 Joey Cope 1

Do you catch yourself dreaming during your waking hours? What are those dreams? Where do they come from? Why do you dream? photo credit: Oliver Lein, unsplash.com Recent research indicates that your sleeping dreams are generated from your brain stem. Perhaps this is a maintenance function that allows you to process [read more]

The Pendulum Effect

March 5, 2017 Joey Cope 2

Over a month ago, I announced my decision to leave Facebook. My decision was based on what I viewed as the debilitating impact it was having on my attitude toward other people. On February 15, 2017, I deactivated my Facebook account. My absence from that space has had a number [read more]