The Bottom of the Inbox

November 7, 2017 Joey Cope 0

I’m staring at an empty inbox. That hasn’t happened for months. But this past weekend, I methodically and, somewhat painfully, worked through every item in my email inbox. And there, at the bottom, I found something wonderful. Freedom. Release from the nagging pile of questions and duty. I emptied my [read more]

Talk About What Matters

November 5, 2017 Joey Cope 0

A lot of disgusting talk swirls around us. It’s always been here because people have placed a high value on status. We don’t have to be the very best at anything — just prove ourselves better than others. Yet, many of those who are the best are those who spend [read more]

Time and action don't always work together.

Time is of the Essence

November 3, 2017 Joey Cope 0

Time is factored into everything. And it seems that everything can be factored into time. Photo by Cliff Johnson on Unsplash In our work and our play, time is a consideration. The statement that “time is of the essence” has its origin in contract law. Those five words carry a heavy weight. They [read more]

Seeing the Other Side

October 8, 2017 Joey Cope 0

I’ve seen the other side. And I don’t like it. The problem with the other side is that it is the other side. It’s not my side. It doesn’t fit my view of how things should be. The other side grates against who I am and, tellingly, what I want everyone [read more]