32 Days and Counting – Anxiety

August 21, 2014 Joey Cope 0

The questions are starting to surface. As each member of our team shares the coming adventure with friends (32 days to Africa!), we’re beginning to get the knowing looks and the furrowed brows. And we’re beginning to sense the anxiety in others. Image Credit: JoanaCroft on FreeImages.com “You know, Africa [read more]

33 Days and Counting – Excitement

August 20, 2014 Joey Cope 1

Just 33 days before Dan, Allison, Aaron, Robyn, Malcolm, Betty and I make our way to Africa. We don’t get to see each other every day. In fact, it’s been almost 3 weeks since we were all in the same room. Yet, through emails, some scattered phone calls, and even [read more]

34 Days and Counting – Difficulties

August 20, 2014 Joey Cope 1

As I prepared to write my previous post, I attempted to open my website. No response. Frustrating. In fact, very frustrating. Over the past several months, I had experienced multiple outages. Recently, my web host provider, assured me that our difficulties were over. But now, more than 30 hours after [read more]

35 Days and Counting – MITS

August 20, 2014 Joey Cope 1

We’re leaving in 35 days. Even though much of our work in Africa is directed toward adults, our team leader, Dr. Betty Gilmore, worked to ensure that we would also have time with the future of Africa, the children. So, in addition to the children we see along the way [read more]

36 Days and Counting – Songs

August 14, 2014 Joey Cope 3

I spend a lot of time with music. I’m not musically talented, at least not anymore. That takes practice. But I love music and music tells stories. In 36 days, our team will be flying to Africa and we’ll be hearing new songs. Each of them will chisel out distinct [read more]