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Socially Medium

November 8, 2015 Joey Cope 0

I have to admit that there are times that I would like to close down my social media accounts. To bend a phrase of Winston Churchill, “Never was so much bad said about so few by so many.” It is the ease and spontaneity of social media that makes it so great [read more]

Mourning Finality

September 3, 2015 Joey Cope 0

All my life, I heard “Don’t burn your bridges!” (Okay, so early on I actually heard “Don’t burn your britches!” . . . but I digress.) The idea, of course, is that you shouldn’t make decisions that don’t allow you to back up — to reverse your course if you are [read more]

Some Things Grow on You

April 12, 2015 Joey Cope 2

Four summers of my life, my mother helped me pack a footlocker procured from the Army Surplus Store and I was loaded on to a bus with old friends and those who would become new friends for a couple of weeks at Camp Blue Haven. I loved those camp experiences [read more]

Dealing With Difficult People

April 9, 2015 Joey Cope 4

The hotel clerk simply lied to me. As I watched his face when I confronted him with his lie, I saw his eyes narrow and his chin become set. And thus began another real-life opportunity for me in an area I wish I didn’t have to endure — dealing with [read more]

Friends . . . Actually

December 23, 2014 Joey Cope 0

Years ago, my decisions about who my friends were or were not were more simply made. I simply avoided you if you said or did things that I found disturbing. You would think that the same principle would be involved in social media. I fully understand that it can be. [read more]