For unto us

December 18, 2014 Joey Cope 0

I’ve been tearing up a lot in recent years. It doesn’t take much. Videos about dogs on the internet. A song at church. A photograph from long ago. A bit of good news. It’s that last one that both baffles me and thrills me. When I hear of good things [read more]

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Day 2 – Special Edition

September 25, 2014 Joey Cope 0

I hesitated to post the earlier entry, “Hallelujah!”, because I was hoping to snag a video from the church service from another team member. Several tried to connect me to theirs last night. But the file was too big and the bandwidth too small. So, after several days of frustration, I’m [read more]

Day 2.1 – Hallelujah!

September 21, 2014 Joey Cope 3

Looking forward to our first full day in Kigali, we questioned — perhaps even dreaded — one item on our schedule. It wasn’t that we didn’t want to go to church on Sunday. We just wondered if we would be in any shape to survive the projected 4-hour service with [read more]

2 Days and Counting – Balance

September 17, 2014 Joey Cope 2

So, our heads are filled with visions of what we will see and tones of what we will hear. In 2 days we will wait for our boarding groups to be called and we’ll make our way down the jet bridge to our plane and find our seats. As we [read more]

5 Days and Counting – Sundays

September 14, 2014 Joey Cope 2

The next two Sundays will be special ones for our team. While in Rwanda and Kenya, we will have the opportunity to join our new African friends in worship. Spirituality comes in many different flavors. We can’t wait to share in this time of faith stories and common belief. Well, [read more]