10 Days and Counting – Prayers

September 9, 2014 Joey Cope 0

Prayers. Prayers are offered. Prayers are given. Prayers are worded. Prayers are essential. In 10 days, we leave for Africa. As we continue our preparations, our thoughts turn to the work that lies ahead. This prayer, penned by team member, Robyn Short, in Prayers for Peace, brings our mission into focus and into [read more]

28 Days and Counting – Recognition

August 25, 2014 Joey Cope 1

We are only 28 days from departure. Our preparation for Africa comes with a special recognition and a prayer. We seek to help in God’s good work of bringing peace to a world in conflict. We want to see Him in others and pray that they will see Him in [read more]

32 Days and Counting – Anxiety

August 21, 2014 Joey Cope 0

The questions are starting to surface. As each member of our team shares the coming adventure with friends (32 days to Africa!), we’re beginning to get the knowing looks and the furrowed brows. And we’re beginning to sense the anxiety in others. Image Credit: JoanaCroft on FreeImages.com “You know, Africa [read more]

45 Days and Counting – Words

August 5, 2014 Joey Cope 0

What words shall we choose to tell our stories? As our team prepares to make our way to Rwanda and Kenya, we’ll be spending a good portion of the next 45 days thinking about words. In our everyday lives, the grand majority of our words flow easily. We don’t really [read more]

Good Advice – Distilling the Voices

July 27, 2014 Joey Cope 0

Dreams are strange. I woke up this morning with a great feeling of fulfillment and satisfaction. Although my sleep had been hijacked by a complex and strange dream, I opened my eyes with a sense of peace for my day. I had received good advice through the night. As I [read more]