Friends . . . Actually

December 23, 2014 Joey Cope 0

Years ago, my decisions about who my friends were or were not were more simply made. I simply avoided you if you said or did things that I found disturbing. You would think that the same principle would be involved in social media. I fully understand that it can be. [read more]

Sometimes the Sun

November 24, 2014 Joey Cope 0

Sometimes the sun, after a day of gray and cold, shines through. Sometimes the sun, when news is bad and the outlook is bleak, finds a hole in the cloud. Sometimes the sun, when the forecast offers no hope and we’ve resigned ourselves to the dismal, appears on a distant [read more]

No Image

A Picture of Ferguson, Missouri

November 18, 2014 Joey Cope 2

You have probably noticed there isn’t one. I looked for a picture of Ferguson that didn’t have police lined-up across from citizens or chalk outlines of bodies on the asphalt or clever protest signs. I grew tired of looking. I simply wanted to write about Ferguson and its struggles with words that [read more]

Day 12 – Re-entry

November 1, 2014 Joey Cope 4

Boarding our red-eye flight from Nairobi to Amsterdam brought a sense of relief. Our team of peacemakers was tired and we were eager to see family and friends back home. Yet, our relief was not about our re-entry to our own lives and routines. No, we were just pleased to finally be [read more]