It’s Always Something

November 12, 2017 Joey Cope 0

One of the positive things about social media is its reach into the lives of friends — old, new, close, and distant. The news we see is often joyful, many times sorrowful, and very often revelations that make us prayerful. It’s always something. In two separate, online conversations over the [read more]

Talk About What Matters

November 5, 2017 Joey Cope 0

A lot of disgusting talk swirls around us. It’s always been here because people have placed a high value on status. We don’t have to be the very best at anything — just prove ourselves better than others. Yet, many of those who are the best are those who spend [read more]

Time and action don't always work together.

Time is of the Essence

November 3, 2017 Joey Cope 0

Time is factored into everything. And it seems that everything can be factored into time. Photo by Cliff Johnson on Unsplash In our work and our play, time is a consideration. The statement that “time is of the essence” has its origin in contract law. Those five words carry a heavy weight. They [read more]

good news

Why Do You Dream the Dreams You Dream?

July 18, 2017 Joey Cope 1

Do you catch yourself dreaming during your waking hours? What are those dreams? Where do they come from? Why do you dream? photo credit: Oliver Lein, Recent research indicates that your sleeping dreams are generated from your brain stem. Perhaps this is a maintenance function that allows you to process [read more]