43 Days and Counting – Interruptions

August 8, 2014 Joey Cope 0

Hundreds of details. Office work. Chores at home. Social events. Big things. Little things. Some urgent. All important . . . to someone. That was what was going through my mind yesterday — that and the reminder that  it is just 43 days until our team makes its way to [read more]

44 Days and Counting – Work

August 6, 2014 Joey Cope 0

Despite the fact that there are 44 more days before we go to Africa, the temptation is to allow the trip to take control of our lives. Yet, every member of our team has work to do. Betty and Allison must attend to their jobs at SMU. Malcolm and Dan [read more]

47 Days and Counting – Bounty

August 3, 2014 Joey Cope 0

Just 47 days until we take our leave of the United States, fly to Amsterdam and then on to Kigali, Rwanda. As we continue to ready ourselves, we are reminded of the bounty that we enjoy. These thoughts were brought home by team member, Dan Russell. Dan and his wife, [read more]

Slow is the New Excruciating

July 10, 2014 Joey Cope 0

Let’s face it. I’m not an exercise fanatic. I don’t do CrossFit. I don’t run, walk, or crawl long distances. Shucks, I don’t even stand up straight most of the time. But I am fairly active. And when I’m not traveling, I make a valiant effort to hit the gym [read more]

The Brotherhood of Fatherhood

June 15, 2014 Joey Cope 2

We all like to belong. It doesn’t matter if you’re male or female, old or young, rich or poor. Skin color doesn’t matter. Nationality doesn’t matter. Political ideals are inconsequential. Every single one of us wants to fit in. For boys and men, we want a brotherhood. We loved being [read more]