12 Days and Counting – Joey

September 7, 2014 Joey Cope 6

[This guest post was a surprise in my email inbox this morning. Thank you, Robyn, for writing this and for the collaboration from the rest of the team. I’m a little embarrassed to post this on my own blog. But I’m going to take one for the team! Love you [read more]

13 Days and Counting – Credentials

September 6, 2014 Joey Cope 0

When we start boarding the plane in just 13 days, airline personnel and government officials will be paying a lot of attention to our credentials. Boarding passes and passports will be the key items of the moment. And, even though a lost boarding pass or a defective passport has caused [read more]

14 Days and Counting – Fortnight

September 5, 2014 Joey Cope 0

Fourteen days or, as they would say in days of old (or perhaps “olde”) —  a fortnight. That’s how long until Aaron, Betty, Dan, Allison, Robyn, Malcolm, and I leave for Rwanda. Despite all of our hard work, it doesn’t seem real that the trip is that close. The Persistence [read more]

15 Days and Counting – Mascot

September 4, 2014 Joey Cope 1

All great teams have a mascot. A mascot inspires. A mascot invigorates. Occasionally, a mascot just kind of lies there. Meet Mazzie Star, mascot of the SMU Rwanda Peace Mission 2014. When we see photographs of glamorous celebrities, we often wonder what life in the spotlight is like. Well, you [read more]

16 Days and Counting – Opportunities

September 3, 2014 Joey Cope 0

Our team has been richly blessed by the generosity of family, friends, and strangers who have given unselfishly in an effort to share a little love and hope with the children, women, and men we will meet in just 16 days. These opportunities are incredible. Yet, there are so many [read more]