Friends . . . Actually

December 23, 2014 Joey Cope 0

Years ago, my decisions about who my friends were or were not were more simply made. I simply avoided you if you said or did things that I found disturbing. You would think that the same principle would be involved in social media. I fully understand that it can be. [read more]

Friends . . . Actually

December 23, 2014 Joey Cope 0

Years ago, my decisions about who my friends were or were not were more simply made. I simply avoided you if you said or did things that I found disturbing. You would think that the same principle would be involved in social media. I fully understand that it can be. [read more]

For unto us

December 18, 2014 Joey Cope 0

I’ve been tearing up a lot in recent years. It doesn’t take much. Videos about dogs on the internet. A song at church. A photograph from long ago. A bit of good news. It’s that last one that both baffles me and thrills me. When I hear of good things [read more]

Quiet Voices – Strong Voices

December 16, 2014 Joey Cope 0

I struggle with loud. Loud music. Loud mufflers. Loud conversations. I struggle with setting. I don’t understand and, frankly don’t appreciate, responsible adults who lack respect and who talk whenever and wherever the fancy strikes them. At the back of my church during worship. During classes when teachers are desperately [read more]

‘Tis the Season to Forget

December 15, 2014 Joey Cope 0

Most of us can remember a Christmas or a Thanksgiving or a Hanukkah or even a 4th of July long ago that is forever anchored in our mind as the best holiday ever. The right people were there. The conditions were perfect. The right gifts and foods and words were [read more]