The Line Between Sense and Senseless

April 30, 2015 Joey Cope 0

Monday night, I sat transfixed watching the news and the stories coming out of Baltimore. Increasingly, I heard the word “senseless” being used to describe the violence and the destruction of property. Before that was yet another senseless event — the death of Freddie Gray. Stretching before that in countless [read more]

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Trust and Truth

April 23, 2015 Joey Cope 0

Jack Welch, former chair and CEO of General Electric and recognized leadership expert, recently made these comments in an interview: Leadership today is all about two words: It’s all about truth and trust. You’ve got to have their back when they didn’t hit it out of the park, you’ve got [read more]

Patience is Passion Practiced

April 16, 2015 Joey Cope 0

I’ve seen several quotes on patience recently. I’m not sure if it’s because my impatience makes those words jump out at me or if we’re just getting to the “Ps” in all of the quote books. I’m learning that patience isn’t what I thought it was — a state of [read more]

Shooting Off Balance

April 15, 2015 Joey Cope 0

I’m not a sports fan. I don’t dislike sports. I’m just not a fan. I once was a fan of football and basketball. I followed teams and players, kept up with rule changes, and made certain that I was in place when my teams played. Then, I became busy with [read more]

Some Things Grow on You

April 12, 2015 Joey Cope 2

Four summers of my life, my mother helped me pack a footlocker procured from the Army Surplus Store and I was loaded on to a bus with old friends and those who would become new friends for a couple of weeks at Camp Blue Haven. I loved those camp experiences [read more]