Gentle Whispers Turn Hearts and Minds

Whispers Change Hearts
Photo by Sai De Silva on Unsplash

Harsh words make headlines. Gentle whispers turn hearts. And hearts, over time, turn minds. When harshness smacks into you, breathe, choose wisely, and whisper. Change the world where you are.

He wants your attention. She hopes to change your mind. So they shout.

And when they exhaust their thoughts on the topic and have nothing new to shout, they attack each other. The problem is no longer the problem. The problem has become the other person. And the volume of the conflict increases.

Gentle whispers, on the other hand, often convey a message of relationship. “How are you? What can I do for you? Let me tell you how I’m feeling.” Soft words are often an invitation for others to join us in thought and conversation.

Where will you spend your quality time? In blessed community with others who care for your heart? Or in the melee of public rancor and rhetoric?

By the way, it’s possible to take the messages born out of whispers into the public square. Gentle whispers turn hearts and minds.

Photo by Sai De Silva on Unsplash