Opening the package is a necessary part of the joy.

Opening the Package

December 25, 2015 Joey Cope 2

The package. Christmas gifts can occupy a lot of our time. Coming up with just the right gift. Wrapping it in just the right paper. (Unless you’re like me and forgot to get wrapping paper — so, whatever scraps are left from many Christmases ago on the rolls still stacked [read more]


October 29, 2015 Joey Cope 2

The last few weeks have been difficult. Too much travel. The loss of someone special to our family. A bit of anxiety. A real desire to unplug and let life pass effortlessly for a while. Then, I received my gift. Newness. I fell asleep burdened, but woke with new hopes, [read more]

Sky Writing

Surreptitious Sunrise

October 8, 2015 Joey Cope 0

I seem to travel a lot these days. Unless I’m driving when the sun comes up, I often miss the sunrise. I suppose that’s why I take so much pleasure when the sun rises before me. Arriving at my office early in the morning, I often groan a bit as [read more]

Patience is Passion Practiced

April 16, 2015 Joey Cope 0

I’ve seen several quotes on patience recently. I’m not sure if it’s because my impatience makes those words jump out at me or if we’re just getting to the “Ps” in all of the quote books. I’m learning that patience isn’t what I thought it was — a state of [read more]

Life and Hope in the Face of Death

April 5, 2015 Joey Cope 2

Have you ever wondered about how you will leave this earth? Illness? Accident? Simply a last, calm breath from a well-used and mortal body? Have you ever wondered what the face of Death will look like? I have. Although many folks I know have had these same thoughts and ponderings [read more]